SCLA's Class of 2013: Where are they now?

Adolfson, Jack — Co-Valedictorian
Jack is enjoying college life and still enrolled at Claremont McKenna College in California, but is currently doing a semester abroad in Turkey. More info here: Jack Adolfson

Allman, Valarie — Co-Valedictorian
Valarie had a great freshman season at Stanford which lead her to represent the USA at the IAAF World Junior Championships. Check out her Stanford Web page: Valarie Allman

Bishop, Danny
Danny chose to attend Colorado State University.

Chhay, Marlyssa
Marly's naturally compassionate and her care for others makes it no surprise that she is attending the University of Northern Colorado's Registered Nurse program with an academic scholarship. She recently passed the nursing assistant test.
Capstone Project
Playground for the YMCA in Longmont

Cox, Kailey — Co-Valedictorian
Kailey earned an academic scholarship to CU Boulder and is majoring in Civil Engineering.
Capstone Project
Soccer Camp for students of Columbine Elementary

Davies, Clarissa
Clarissa is attending Colorado State University and is majoring in Journalism.
Capstone Project
LiveWell Longmont events

Emberley, Anthony — Co-Valedictorian
Anthony's at MIT where he is playing football and majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Check out his bio: MIT Football
Capstone Project
Soles4Souls: Collected 5000+ pairs of shoes

Foster, Hannah
Hannah is working locally and recently joined the SCHS swim team coaching staff.
Capstone Project
Day of Champions — Field day for SVVSD handicapped students

Foster, Megan
Megan decided to go to CU Boulder to study Integrated Psychology and be a cheerleader.
Capstone Project
Started SCHS Athletic Training Club

Gallego, Kaili
Kaili earned an academic scholarship at the University of Hawaii (Manoa) and is currently on the diving team.
Capstone Project
Started SCHS Athletic Training Club

Grine, Chico
Chico's at UNC Greeley and majoring in Elementary Education.
Capstone Project
Worked with students at Hygiene Elementary

Grolnick, Noah — Co-Valedictorian
Noah is currently attending Duke University and majoring in Public Policy.
Capstone Project
Advanced the work for the "Peace and Service for Africa" group at SCHS

Heichelheim, Emma — Co-Valedictorian
Emma is attending the University of Alabama and majoring in Pediatric Nursing.
Capstone Project
Worked with the Tiny Tim Center in Longmont

Houghton, Allie
Allie is enrolled at Grand Canyon University in the land of the sun.
Capstone Project
Collected items for a Ukraine orphanage

Hoshiko, Trenton — Salutatorian
Trenton earned an academic scholarship to Emerson College and is majoring in Film Production. He'd barely arrived in Boston when the 2013 floods hit Longmont. From his dorm room he connected with SCHS Senior Nathan Palmer and created a T-shirt to raise money to benefit flood victims. He raised over $3500 and caught the eye of many at his new college for his leadership skills. Listen to the interview on the college radio station with Trenton: Emerson Radio
Capstone Project
Video productions for the community and own company

Ibarra, Jonathan
Jonathan earned a scholarship to Colorado Christian University.
Capstone Project
Guitar Club at Blue Mountain Elementary

Johnson, Brock
Brock is currently attending Fort Hays State University and is majoring in Agricultrual Business.
Capstone Project
Ranch internship

King, Faith
Faith earned a scholarship to the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and is majoring in Biochemistry.
Capstone Project
Worked with her church's youth middle school group

Lis, Chase — Co-Valedictorian
Chase scored twice by earning both an academic and athletic scholarship from Bates College where he's majoring in Economics and is a member of the swim team. This summer Chase had a great internship experience at Covidien in Boulder, CO. More info here: Chase Lis
Capstone Project
Brought "Rachel's Challenge" to SCHS

Metzner, Austin
Austin decided to attend CU Boulder and major in Engineering.
Capstone Project
Advanced the works of PSA (Peace and Service for Africa) club for SCHS

Mohendano, Carolina
Carolina, like Austin, also decided to attend CU Boulder.
Capstone Project
Playground for YMCA in Longmont

Nelson, Haqmilton — Co-Valedictorian
Hamilton earned an academic scholarship to CU Boulder and is majoring in Engineering.
Capstone Project
SCHS iPhone app

Oliver, Sam — Co-Valedictorian
Sam is attending CU Boulder and majoring in Mechanical Engineering.
Capstone Project
SCHS game items for "after-prom"

Rankin, Austin
Austin earned a scholarship to the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and is majoring in Electrical Engineering and playing soccer.
Capstone Project
Soccer camp for Columbine Elementary School

Smith, Madilyn
Madilyn is attending CU Boulder and majoring in International Affairs.
Capstone Project
Internship with Safehouse Boulder

Wilson, Zoe
Gap year.
Capstone Project
Worked with autistic students to learn how to slackline